Course code 07 79 1030 19
Number of ECTS points 3
Course title in the language of instruction
Ekonomia i zarządzanie
Course title in Polish Ekonomia i zarządzanie
Course title in English
Economics and Management
Language of instruction Polish
Form of classes
Lecture Tutorials Laboratory Project Seminar Other Total of teaching hours during semester
Contact hours 10 10 10 0 30
E-learning No No No No Yes No
Assessment criteria (weightage) 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.00
Unit running the course Instytut Informatyki
Course coordinator dr Anita Fajczak-Kowalska
Course instructors dr Anita Fajczak-Kowalska
no requirements
Course learning outcomes
  1. Define asset and liability items
  2. Describe economic events
  3. Make a business plan
  4. Present and interpret the results of the financial analysis
  5. Analyze the company's budget
Programme learning outcomes
  1. the graduate is ready to fulfill social responsibilities, initiate activities for the public interest, and to think and act in an entrepreneurial manner;
Programme content LECTURE 1. The rules of company management 2. Techniques and methods of company management 3. Elements of a business plan 4. Theoretical aspects of the company's economic and financial analysis 5. Budgeting of the company's activity EXERCISES 1. Analysis of the company's financial documents 2. Economic and financial analysis of the company 3. Preparing a business plan
Assessment methods
1-2 - lecture test
3 - project presented on the exercises
4-5 - activity on exercises

Grading policies 40% test, 40% project, 20% activity
Course content LECTURE 1. The rules of company management 2. Techniques and methods of company management 3. Elements of a business plan 4. Theoretical aspects of the company's economic and financial analysis 5. Budgeting of the company's activity EXERCISES 1. Analysis of the company's financial documents 2. Economic and financial analysis of the company 3. Preparing a business plan
Basic reference materials
  1. Milewski R., Kwiatkowski E., Podstawy ekonomii, PWN, 2018
  2. Szczepańska K., Bugdol M., Podstawy zarządzania projektami, Difin 2016
Other reference materials
  1. Griffin R., Podstawy zarządzania organizacjami, PWN, 2017
Average student workload outside classroom
Updated on 2019-10-07 18:21:56
Archival course yes/no no